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How Many Cats Are In The World? Global Cat Population 2024 is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Learn More

The state of Vermont in the US should change its motto to “Cat Lovers Only” since 45% of households there own them. And in all of America, there are oodles of millions of cats. Meowza! So, are you curious to know how many cats are in the world? We were, too, so we found out.

These stunning creatures have permeated the entire world. Some have become domesticated, some know how to survive in the wild, and some are free-roaming cats.

So let’s get familiar with the statistics on how many cats are in the world… which countries adore them and which countries don’t, and along the way, you’ll learn cat facts that will delight you.  

House cats live on every continent in the world except Antarctica. They’ve been idolized and demonized ever since the beginning of time, but one thing’s for sure – Everyone has an opinion on them. 

We wish we had a crystal ball and could know the exact number of cat populations around the world today, but we do have a range of statistics. There are 600 million to 1 billion cats living in the world today. The USA has the most number of cats, followed by China and Russia.

Latvia, Ireland, and Sweden are three countries, among many, with low numbers of household felines.

The lowest cat ownership statistic goes to Spain and Greece, coming in at 10-15% of households.

Top 10 Most Heartening Facts

How Many Cats Are in the World

Here are some worldwide statistics about our favorite felines.

Statistics Show There Are 600 Million to 1 Billion Cats in the World (The Ecology Global Network)

Previously, the World Atlas indicated a global cat population between 300 million and 600 million. However, The Ecology Global Network currently estimates the total number of cats to be within the range of 600 million to 1 billion

It does depend on the source, but these are good ballpark figures. It would be impossible to calculate the true number of feral cats and strays there are in the world.

You can also check our post on how many animals are in the world.

There are Around 60 to 100 Million Outdoor Cats (Scientific American)

These 100 million include cats like cougars, servals, leopards, and tigers. Many wild cats are threatened, decreasing in numbers, and endangered. The main reasons for these shocking facts are poaching, habitat loss, and disease. Human beings are the biggest danger to these majestic animals.

There Are 480 Million Stray Cats (Science Direct)

Feral cats are a problem to human and cat health and to the environment. However, we must also be aware there’s a difference between feral and stray cats

world population of cats

“Pet and stray cats are socialized to people… ferals are not.” – Alley Cat Allies.

Stray cats are cats that escaped from home or previously had some other form of contact with humans. Ferals are born in the wild and continue to populate. To muddy things further, the term “community cats” refers to cats of the Felis catus species and includes both feral and stray cats. 

You can help control the cat population through the Trap-Neuter-Return process.

The Number of Cats Owned Worldwide Is 373 Million (Nestle)

Dogs have emerged as the most popular pets, with over 470 million worldwide. Cats followed closely with around 373 million.

In the top cat-ownership countries, it’s loud and clear that a cat’s “Meows” is their favorite sound. Here are the countries with the most pet cats globally, according to World Atlas.

  • USA
  • China
  • Russia
  • Brazil
  • France

From a Total of Approximately 600 Million, 400 Million Cats Reside in Asia (IFAW)

The numbers have increased in the last decade, and the trend is they will continue to rise.

cat population in the world

“The fast pace of urban life, small living areas, and strict restrictions on dog ownership in some Chinese cities all contribute to the popularity of cats”… – South China Morning Post.

According to Stats for 2023, 11 Million Pet Cats Are in the UK. (PDSA)

As of 2023, the UK has 11 million pet cats, and 24% of UK adults own a cat. Ninety percent (90%) of cats in Britain have free access to the outdoors. Only a small percentage (10%) of British pet cats live indoors (some Brits consider it to be too confining), and those are mostly purebred. They’re seen more as companion animals rather than “fur babies.”

The Highest Number of Cats in the European Union (EU) Reside in Germany (FEDIAF)

Germany and France are home to the highest number of cats in the EU.

Top 10 European Countries by Cat Ownership

In 2022, a FEDIAF survey revealed that pet ownership is thriving in Europe, with 91 million households (46%) caring for Europe’s 340 million pets. This rise aligns with a growing market valued at 29.1 billion euros.

Number of Cats in the Europe

In 2021, India had Almost 3 Million Pet Cats, Expected to Reach 4.89 Million by 2026. (Statista)

In 2021, India had almost three million pet cats. By the end of 2026, this number is expected to grow to about 4.89 million.

Pet cat population in India

The Number of Stray Cats in Istanbul Is Around 200,000 (The Other Tour)

In Istanbul, around 200,000 cats have found a home, receiving care from people and communities. Residents provide food, water, and even shelter for them in colder times.

how many stray cats are in the world

Prophet Muhammad has been said to have been a respecter of cats. Historical books about Islam mention his affection for felines. Therefore, it is considered to be disrespectful to threaten them.

There is a community network where it is agreed that street cats should be cared for by everyone, and “cat stations” (with food, water, and shelter) can be seen in public areas. 

Are There More Cats or Dogs In The World

Keep in mind there are pet (domesticated) cats and dogs, as well as feral cats and dogs. So, let’s get the important answer out of the way first… 

how many Cats and Dogs In The World

No one knows exactly how many cats and dogs are in the world. There are literally too many to gather into one “numbers house.” 

But worldwide, there are roughly 700 million to 1 billion dogs and, as we’ve mentioned, 600 million to 1 billion cats.

Dog Owning Households in the US Outnumber Cat Owning Households (APPA)

Although the number of pet dogs in the US is higher than that of pet cats, there is a high feral cats count in the country. When you’re talking about 60 million domestic cats and 60 million ferals in America (and we are), that’s a huge number to top. 

The Arkansas State in the US Is Dog-Friendly; Hence, Dogs Outnumber Cats by a Ratio of 1.35–1 (AVMA)

At the end of 2016, 52% of Arkansas households owned a dog. In addition, it was considered to be one of the AVMA’s top 10 states with the highest percentage of dog owners. 

Massachusetts State Cats Outnumber Dogs by 1.87 Cats (AVMA)

Are there more cats than dogs?

They also reported that in 2018, only 29% of Massachusetts households owned dogs. This makes cats king! And queen. In addition, many more people have more than one cat as opposed to more than one dog.

The Number of Cats Adopted from US Shelters Are Higher Than the Dogs (SAC)

It’s easier in almost every way to have cats rather than dogs as pets because they are low maintenance. Cats do need special care but generally don’t need to be walked, aren’t as interactive with their owners, and can be content in even the smallest lodging.

How Many Cats Are In The US

Here are some US cat statistics for you.

How Many Cats Are In The US

According to the Latest Stats, There Are 60.218 to 61.910 Million Cats in America (AVMA)

There were numbers from 30 million to 90 million pet cats in the US online. Previously, there were 58 million pet cats in the US, but now there are around 62 million pet cats.

USDA Estimates 30-80 Million Stray and Feral Cats in the US. (USDA)

The USDA estimates 30 to 80 million stray, feral, and neglected cats in the US, which is a decrease from the previous number 60 to 100 million reported by the NCBI. The only way to stop the growth of the overpopulation of cats is to have laws aimed at people who refrain from spaying and neutering their cats and to encourage community involvement.

As per Stats, 46.5 million US Households Have a Pet Cat (APPA)

Cats provide Americans with more than mouse-catcher talents. Love, affection, and companionship are three of the biggest reasons why people have cats as pets.

The Average Number of Cats per House Is Almost 2 (AVMA)

how many cats in the usa

Most parents would say it’s easier to have two children than one since they can each have a companion and someone to watch over them. It’s similar with two cats.

Although cats (that share 95.6 of their DNA with tigers) are generally loners, that’s on the open plains. Domesticated cats can learn to enjoy a partner in crime that’s added to the family.

2.6 Million Cats Are Adopted Annually (SAC)

Shelters received 3.3 million cats in 2023, so there’s still room to improve. With programs like Best Friend’s Animal Society’s “Save Them All” campaign, it’s a goal we can reach. If you don’t have a cat (or dog), adopt one, and if you do, adopt another one. You’ll be part of the solution.

Pet Ownership Statistics by State 2024

According to World Population Review data:

  • Vermont has the highest cat ownership rate, with 44.6%.
  • Maine is in second place with a share of 43.6%.
  • On the third, we have West Virginia with a share of 37.75.
  • Indiana and New Hemisphere are in fourth and fifth place with a share of 37.5% and 36.4%, respectively.
Cat ownership rates by state

Cat Population in China

population of cats

Chinese love cats as much as we do. Here are some numbers to prove that.

In Urban Chinese Households, Almost 65.36 Million Cats Are Kept as Pets (

Previously, there were 58 million pet cats in China, and now the latest figures suggest 65.4 million. China’s pet industry is forecasted to be around 66.1 billion dollars in 2023. To put things in perspective, this is ten times greater than in 2013. The market has been influenced by countries that welcome kitties for companionship into their homes.

This number also gives an idea of how much a cat costs.

The Pet Market in China Reached 270.6 Billion Yuan in 2022 (

In 2022, the urban pet market in China saw an estimated value of around 270.6 billion yuan. There has been a sharp decline in births in China, and younger generations are choosing to have a pet instead of a baby. The trend is it will keep moving up, and China is currently a major player in the pet industry.

Statistics From 2017 Show There Are More Than 200,000 Feral Cats in Beijing Alone (Dialogue Earth)

how many cats are in the china

This is one reason why so many are being acquired as pets. They’re easy to find. The good news is…

“The International Center for Veterinary Services (ICVS) is promoting awareness and guiding the development of community-wide TNR programs. [in China]” – ICVS Asia

Cat Population in Russia

Below are some cat statistics specific to Russia.

Cat Population in Russia

According to Stats of 2023, There Are 23.15 Million Domestic Cats Recorded in the Country (FEDIAF)

how many cats in russia

In 2019, there were 6 million more domestic cats than pet dogs in Russia. They’re well known for being a “cat” country, and the trajectory of domestic cat owners is rising.

Almost 34% of Russian Households Own at Least One Cat (FEDIAF)

Some people even open their homes to cats to provide shelter, food, and water for them. However, in March of ‘22, cats from Russia were banned from international competitions due to the war in Ukraine.

The Top Breed Cat Adopted in Russia Is the ‘Russian Blue Cat’ (Russia Beyond)

Named after where it originated, today’s breed is a descendant of the highly-favored cat owned by Russian czars. Russian Blues are actually dark charcoal gray in color and came to the US in the early 20th century.

Cat Population in Brazil

Let’s look at the cat numbers in Brazil.

Cat Population in Brazil

As Per Stats of 2022, There are 33.6 Million Pet Cats in Brazil (Statista, Instituto Pet Brasil)

In 2022, Brazil boasted a remarkable 33.6 million pet cats, reflecting a strong affinity for feline companionship among its residents. There was an increase of around 5 million cats in Brazil from 2013-2021. Arguably, the most well-known cat is the Brazilian shorthair.

In 2024, the Pet Food market revenue is US$ 6.88bn, expected to grow by 7.56% annually (2024-2028). (Statista)

The Pet Food Market Industry‘s remarkable reach of almost 6.88 billion revenue in Brazil in 2024 underscores the substantial demand for pet products in the country.

Due to the Pandemic, the Large Number of Feral and Stray Cats has also Increased the Cat Population (NY Post)

The global cat population has witnessed a surge in feral and stray cats due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdown measures and disruptions in spaying/neutering programs and pet adoption efforts have resulted in an increased number of cats without proper homes or care.

On the famous/infamous “Island of the Cats” in Mangaratiba, Brazil, an island overview led by the Navy produced significant results. Due to the horrific treatment the hundreds of cats have received, like neglect and the manner by which they’re “disposed of,” harsher penalties have been created by Congress.

Cat Islands

Finally, here are some cat island statistics for all you feline lovers.

cat population

There Are 1.5 Million Cats on Cyprus Island, While Only 1.2 Million Inhabit This Island (Cyprus Mail)

The earliest archaeological evidence of the relationship between humans and cats can be found in Cyprus. It is a burial of a man and a kitten, which dates back to… 7500 BC!

The island of Cyprus once had a population of 1.5 million cats, outnumbering its human inhabitants of 1.2 million. However, recent statistics show that due to a feline coronavirus outbreak, the cat population has reduced to 1 million after 300,000 cats succumbed to the virus.

Syros Island Offers a Job for a ‘Cat Whisperer’ Who Feeds and Cares for More Than 50 Cats and Gets Free Accommodation and Wage (Global News)

Responsibilities include feeding them and taking them to the vet. Another of the Syros Island cat rescues makes its needs known via a workaway ad describing the job of a cat overseer. They’ve had many delighted people who took the plunge and came out grinning like a Cheshire cat. 

The Cat Population in Japanese Cat Island Is 6 Times More Than the Human Population (HIS)

There are around a dozen “cat islands” in Japan, and Aoshima Island is one of them. Hundreds of cats inhabit it, while there are 15-20 residents. It isn’t a designated tourist attraction, yet it attracts thousands of them every year. 

Almost 65 Russian Cats Are Serving Russian Art by Living in Russian Hermitage Museum (CBC News)

One of the largest museums in the world, housing three million-ish works of art, is home to cats in the basement. But they’re very well cared for since Empress Elizabeth, daughter of Peter the Great, signed a decree for the arrangement.


Below are some frequently asked questions related to your beloved feline companions.

Are there more cats or dogs in the world?

There are estimated to be over 900 million dogs and around 600 million cats in the world. That’s a big difference!

How many domestic cats are in the world?

According to IFAW, there are about 600 million cats in the world. Out of these, around 220 million are pet cats, while 480 million are stray or wild cats.

Which country has the most cats?

According to Conservation Club, the United States has the most domestic cats, with estimates showing there are over 76 million pet cats in homes across the country.

How many stray cats are there in the US?

Estimates vary, but sources report that there are between 50 and 70 million feral cats in the United States. According to PETA, about 30 to 40 million homeless cats live in the U.S.

How Many Cats Are Killed Each Year?

According to the Animal Shelter Count, approximately 360,000  cats are euthanized each year. And ASPCA states that approximately 1.4 million cats are euthanized.It’s egregious, it’s despicable, and it’s morally wrong. (Remember, all shelters don’t report their numbers.)

If the government, the public, the animal rights activists, and the animal shelters worked together to discuss the facts, brainstorm, and make some decisions, America wouldn’t be tossing cats (and dogs) away like trash.

How Many Cats Reside in Shelters?

3.2 million cats are surrendered to US shelters every year. According to the ASPCA, 2.1 million cats are adopted yearly. This makes numbers get skewed a bit between how many cats are taken in, how many are killed, and how many are adopted, but let’s pull back the curtain here… 

Animal organizations vary in reporting numbers depending on their agenda or their viewpoint.

Which City in the World Has the Highest Number of Cats?

Istanbul, Turkey, is also called Cats-tanbul due to the number of cats living there. We’ve touched on it in this article (over 200,000 feral cats). Most cats even have permission to enter mosques. 

In Conclusion

Hopefully, by now, if you weren’t already, you’re a cat person. Just hearing the statistics should give you a certain respect for them.

Scientists have found over 1.75 million animal species on Earth, with more than one million being insects and spiders. Many more species are still undiscovered! All living things rely on each other to survive.

Cat breeds have changed the world, and with or without us, they’re going to survive. And that’s good news for everyone unless you’re a mouse.

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