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Digital Marketing

Unpacking Every Feature We Built in 2023

Buffer changed a lot in the last year. In total, we released 26 fantastic features. We worked on 100s of small improvements and bug fixes. And wrote over 10,000 lines of code. To round up the year, we thought we’d run through the 11 most popular launches we released in 2023. New features AI Assistant…

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How I Went Viral on X (Formerly Twitter): An In-Depth Analysis

Anyone trying to grow a personal brand online eventually has to choose which social media platforms to focus on and why. For me, it was LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter).  Since then, I’ve been posting, engaging, commenting, sharing, messaging, and interacting on a near-daily basis — slowly but steadily attracting my tribe of B2B marketers. …

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How One Viral TikTok Generated Over $25,000 in Sales for My Business in a Month

As a Gen X founder, I initially thought TikTok was not for me. I didn’t want to dance, figured the Gen Z audience of TikTok wouldn’t be interested in seeing me on screen, and didn’t think entertaining videos would lead to sales for my company, PerfectDD, which designs clothes specifically tailored to fuller busts. I…

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5 Tips To Improve Consistency As A Content Creator

Think about five content creators you admire. Regardless of who they are, there’s a common thread: consistency.  Now, consistency might sound simple, but let’s be real—it’s tough. I know firsthand because I struggled with it myself. Before 2019, I was a freelance writer trying to make a name for myself. I joined LinkedIn hoping for…

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How I’m Shifting My 2024 Marketing Approach

Last year was a big year for my handmade ornaments company, Forged Flare. We went into 2022 determined to nail our online advertising strategy. We spent the early part of the year experimenting with different platforms, creatives, and approaches so that when the holiday season—our biggest time of year—came, we could crank up the budget…

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I Got Meta Verified on Instagram — Here’s My Honest Review

I’ve attempted to get verified on Instagram about three times over the past few years and — as awkward as it is to admit — been rejected every single time.  So when Meta, the company that owns Instagram, introduced Meta Verified, a monthly subscription that will give you that coveted blue checkmark on Facebook, Instagram,…

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7 Creators On The Systems That Support Their Content Creation

Since the first blog post was published and the first YouTube video was posted, content creation has evolved rapidly. It’s now treated as a legitimate business, with real earning potential for anyone with a smartphone and a willingness to share their creations. However, the ease of entry also means that anyone can become a creator,…

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11 LinkedIn Carousel Ideas (And Examples)

LinkedIn carousels are a great content format for many reasons. First, the LinkedIn algorithm prioritizes this content format, probably thanks to the visual appeal and subsequent engagement. Much like Instagram carousels, they tend to be very appealing because they differentiate from the other types of content you might come across on your feed. They also…

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